
09 May 2012

I miss it already.

I only spent 1 1/2 days there, but that was still enough. It was kind of a business trip that turned out being more fun than expected. I can't wait to move back there. When I moved there at eighteen, I wasn't ready for it. I was too scared & naive, but now I know what to expect & how to get along with S.F.'s system. I miss it so much. It was soo gorgeous when I was there. The weather was perfect. The people in S.F. are aloud to express themselves, unlike S.D. county, plus it's a lot more brown here. Ugggh! I'm just so frustrated(S.F. has a heart that's still beating & art is it's main priority... it's exactly where I need to be right now, in my life). 

1 comment:

Steph Yt. said...

Lovely pictures hun
Ginger and Lace